Mr. Vijay Sale is a social worker, a builder who works for the welfare and betterment of the society at large. Be it any field, Mr. Vijay Sale has been helping people from different strata of the society and
helps them to solve their problems and support them every means. Be it children, youngsters or senior citizens, Mr. Vijay Sale has a helping hand for all.
Founded by Mr. Vijay Sale, Vijay Welfare Trust has been working for the welfare and well being of children, women and old age citizens alike. Vijay Welfare Trust has paved the path for many youngsters, children, women and old age people to make their life better and has provided opportunities so that they can become self-sufficient and also support their own families.
Apart from works done by Vijay Welfare Trust, there is another domain which is taken care by Vijay Welfare Trust and it works only for the welfare of the society. It takes care of any grievance or society related issues and Vijay Welfare Trust provides help to the needy.